Friday, November 26, 2010


Possible Slogans for the TSA

We handle more packages than UPS!

We feel you you feel safe!

TSA - And you thought ex sex offenders didn't have an outlet...

You're in good hands with TSA

TSA: Totalitarian Sexual Assault!

The 4th Amendment doesn't apply to us.

Protecting the Flying Public from Nail Clippers and Cuticle Scissors

More here.




Liberal Fascism Marches On

Amazing how many newspapers, our supposed defenders of freedom and democracy, support the use of scanners and full body pat downs.

The New York Times tips its hand as to why, "But the Obama administration should weather this storm by realizing these attacks are purely partisan and ideological. Americans know the difference between a big scanner and big government." The NYT's defense is partisan and ideological. Not supporting or understanding freedom and privacy, but having the same fascist tendencies that run rampant in today's liberal (the ideological part) thought, the NYT supports the Obama administration because its the Obama administration (the partisan part).

The difference between big government and a big scanner? Big government is an entity consisting of pompous power freaks wanting to micro-manage and control every little aspect your life and society. A big scanner is one of the tools they use to micro-manage and control every little aspect your life and society. And the fascist, liberal newspaper spread the lie that this is good and necessary.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


If you want something done, ask a man.

This quote is posted on a little plaque in the front desk in the office where my daughter went to middle school last year. What do you think about it?

"If you want something said, ask a woman. If you want something done, ask a man."


Dramatic Airport Body Scanner Video
Saving Us From Freedom

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Why It's Not Safe to Fly (or We Are So Screwed)

Somehow the federal government thinks this idiocy is protecting the public. Beam my ups, Scottie, ....

Friday, November 12, 2010


Is Homosexuality a Born-In Trait?

Quote from a thread at Ann Althouse:
Apparently, some people believe that being gay is an in-born trait, not susceptible of being changed by any force known to man, but being masculine is purely a matter of nurture and socialization.
This post is not about homosexuality at all. I just used the headline to try and attract attention. This post is about the war against masculinity.

While the truth of the comment above is obvious, I've never seen it put quite so concisely. For those who want to pretend the war against masculinity doesn't exist, I point you to the American Psychological Association. It would be too easy to point you to a feminist website. The APA is an easy enough target as it is.

Three divisions of the APA claim to address the topic of "Men and masculinity," The Society for Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI), the Society of Counseling Psychology, and the mysteriously named Division 51.

The SPSSI seems more interested in global warming than men.
The SPSSI Policy Committee is also currently working with researchers to create official position statements in the areas of global climate change, same-sex marriage, and the psychological effects of unemployment.
Global warming? These aren't physical scientist, more pseudo-scientists as they deal little in hard facts. Why do psychologists need to take a position on global warming as psychologists? Just to soothe their massive egos?

The Society of Counseling wants to...
expand understanding of lesbian, gay, bisexual populations among counseling and psychological professionals, students, and all those they impact in their roles as scientists, clinicians, teachers, consultants, and authors.
No obvious mention about heterosexual males. Maybe they need to expand their own awareness about this group.

The mysterious Division 51 openly addresses masculinity issues. Their mission statement:
  • Promotes the critical study of how gender shapes and constricts men’s lives.

  • Committed to an enhancement of men’s capacity to experience their full human potential.

  • Endeavors to erode constraining definitions of masculinity which historically have inhibited men’s development, their capacity to form meaningful relationships, and have contributed to the oppression of other people.

  • Acknowledges its historical debt to feminist-inspired scholarship on gender, and commits itself to the support of groups such as women, gays, lesbians and people of color that have been uniquely oppressed by the gender/class/race system.

  • Contends vigorously that the empowerment of all persons beyond narrow and restrictive gender role definitions leads to the highest level of functioning in individual women and men, to the most healthy interactions between the genders, and to the richest relationships between them.
Gender constricts men's lives. Men apparently lack full capacity to fully experience human potential and need to be enhanced. Historically definitions of masculinity have kept men from being able to develop meaningful relationships and has contributed (bet the mean the root cause) to the oppression of other people. Feminist inspired scholarship leads the way in understanding masculinity. YES!! We must escape those "narrow and restrictive gender role definitions" and travel courageously towards healthy interactions and richest relationships (Read: all men subjugate yourselves to the ideals of the APA.)

Yep, being gay, lesbian, trans-sexual, what have you is fine, but being a man is definitely a problem. (I know a 6' 4" trans sexual lesbian. Perfectly normal.) But, don't worry psychology will save you and the world. But, the first step is realizing you and all those other men who have lived or are living are the problem.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Be vewy vewy careful out there

Most of us know by now that the Republicans, i.e. Nazis, Rethuglicans, racists, teabaggers, haters of all sorts, have taken over the House of Representatives, made gains in the Senate, won more governorships and more. As Paul Krugman says, "Be afraid. Be very afraid."

Yes, America as we know it will descend into the abyss. All that we know and value is lost. Alas, farewell, my dear prince.

BUT! Remember the words of Dylan Thomas, "Rage, rage against the dying of the light." Hopefully, a few of us will survive to rebuild society and save the world.



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