Monday, June 25, 2007


Now It's Worms!!!

Worms are destroying the Earth's climate. Ordinary, seemingly harmless worms like you find in your garden or put on you fishing hook.

First we learned rice paddies are a major source of greenhouse gases. And, now it's worms. Where will it all end.
The ‘wiggly ones’ naturally produce nitrous oxide gases when they are put into the process of composting.

...Frederickson said: “Everybody loves them because they think they can do no harm but they contribute to global warming. People are looking into alternative waste treatments but we have to make sure that we are not jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

...“The emissions that come from these worms can actually be 290 times more potent than carbon dioxide and 20 times more potent than methane. In all environmental systems you get good points and bad points.”
To make matters worse, if you cut a worm in half to kill it it regenerates into two worms. This is worse than aliens attacking. (Well, they're not really attacking. They're just coming across our borders in greater numbers than ever, hoping the amnesty bill will pass.)

The worms produce nitrous oxide. Maybe, we'll all die laughing.

death by worms doesn't sound too too bad, eh? Where do i sign up?
I bet ya a dollar to a donut that Teddy and Mr. Smirnoff (473 ml with ice) are having a conversation this PM after S1639 hit the bricks...
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