Friday, September 17, 2010


Are Gender Roles a Socail Construct?

Feminists love to spout that gender roles are social constructs and that girls act like girls and boys act like boys because of social training, i.e. they way they are treated by their parents and other adults. This article in Scientific American punctures that theory.

The article isn't about whether or not gender roles are scientific constructs but makes this statement:
By “sex-typed behaviors,” Bailey and Zucker are referring to that long, now scientifically canonical, list of innate sex differences in the behaviors of young males versus young females. In innumerable studies, scientists have documented that these sex differences are largely impervious to learning and found in every culture examined (even, some researchers believe, in youngsters of other primate species).
Emphasis added.

Feminist have a long record of denying reality. How many times have you heard the "girls throw like girls because dads don't go out and throw ball with them in the yard" bit? In reality, the ability to throw is the single greatest difference between males and females.
The finding of large sex differences in throwing skills as early as 2 years of age indicates that it is very unlikely that these differences result from the differential socialization of boys and girls (see the Parenting section below). In fact, these sex differences are almost certainly related, at least in part, to differences in the structure of the skeletal system that supports throwing.
Please don't make the little girls miserable by telling them they can do something they very likely can't.

Equality is all fine and good. But, remember we're not all equal. Some of us are bigger and stronger, others smarter, others run faster. Develop your abilities as much as possible and help your kids develop theirs. Don't try to be something you're not or make kids something they're not.

I don't know how anyone can spend time with kids/babies and not see that boys and girls are different. Just different.

And those differences should be celebrated! Aren't we supposed to honor diversity? Why do people want to erase them? I truly don't get it.
Aren't we supposed to honor diversity? Why do people want to erase them? I truly don't get it.

Excellent point. I'm going to remember that and use it. The only diversity many recognize is skin color. Otherwise, everyone should think and act alike.
Feminists love to spout that gender roles are social constructs and that girls act like girls and boys act like boys because of social training, i.e. they way they are treated by their parents and other adults.

Ummm..... wouldn't that mean that women are just as guilty of that training? And how many of those women self identify as feminist? So, wouldn't that mean that feminism is responsible for that gender construction?

Funny that.
wouldn't that mean that feminism is responsible for that gender construction?

I agree. Guess it's OK when it's them doing it.
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