Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Census Worker Death Ruled Suicide. Mea Culpa's Anyone?

On Sept. 12, Bill Sparkman, a 51-year-old part-time Census field worker and teacher, was found hanging dead from a tree in Clay County, Kentucky. Some liberal bloggers, Southern Beale and Sean Braisted for example, were quick to accuse his death on right wing hate.

SB headlined her post "Another Victim of Right Wing Hate?" She concludes:
It will be interesting to see how this investigation unfolds. Suicide seems unlikely, and the fact that Sparkman’s body was found on 9/12, the day of the big Tea Party rally in D.C., is suspicious.
She does admit it may be a coincidence.

Braisted (known as Brainstem to some) asserts
I'm sorry to say that given the political environment created and fomented by the Republican party and its media counterpart Fox News, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if this was some Tea Bagger going off the reservation.
Today police announce, after a lengthy investigation, that Mr. Sparkman's death has been ruled a suicide.
The census worker found dead with the word “fed” written across his chest in remote Clay County in September killed himself and staged the act to look like homicide, the Kentucky State Police said Tuesday.
But State Police Capt. Lisa Rudzinski said at a news conference Tuesday afternoon, “Our investigation, based on evidence and witness testimony, has concluded that Mr. Sparkman died during an intentional, self-inflicted act that was staged to appear as a homicide.”
But Rudzinski said his hands and feet were loosely bound, and that his body was found in contact with the ground “almost to his knees.”

“Mr. Sparkman's wrists were bound loosely in front of his body, shoulder width apart, allowing considerable mobility,” Rudzinski said. “Mr. Sparkman was not blindfolded, as has been previously reported.”

She said duct tape held his glasses in place, and his mouth was stuffed with a rag and covered with tape.

“No defensive wounds were located on his body,” Rudzinski said. “And a rag was found in his pants that was consistent with other rags scattered at the scene, including the rag that was in his mouth. The victim’s clothes were found undisturbed in the bed of his pickup truck, which was also recovered at the scene.”

Moreover, Rudzinski said a “credible witness” told investigators Sparkman had said he planned to commit suicide.
I wonder how many of the liberal hate-mongers will face up to their erroneous ways.

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