Sunday, May 03, 2009


Swine Flu Warning

In 1976, David Lewis an Army recruit at Fort Dix, caught the swine flu and died. This triggered a massive reaction due to a fear of a repeat of the 1918 flu epidemic.

Interesting how the example of the air travel, etc transmission of the flu in the video contradicts the current government policies. The current policy of checking people at the border and airports demonstrates, again, the idiocy of the government. Swine flu incubation period ranges from one to five days. A person who looks quite healthy at the border or airport may actively be spreading the disease.

At this point, the media reaction to the swine flu seems overblown. Yesterday, I heard on the news that an Ohio State University student might have the flu. That's right, might. Three cases in Ohio have now been confirmed. When did such small numbers of a disease begin getting such publicity unless it was smallpox or bubonic plague?

I'm glad our health officials keep an eye on these diseases. But, I wonder if the MSM plays it up for ratings.

The unfortunate David Lewis claimed the distinction as the only person to die from the 1976 swine flu "epidemic."

BTW - I have dozens of bottles of hand sanitizer. Call for a price.

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