Friday, February 13, 2009


"Not a lot of money .."

Michael Kaplan's (whom ever he is) take on the stimulus bill.

Divided by the number of taxpayers (138 million) it comes to $5,797 per taxpayer.

Divided by the population of the US (305 million) it comes to $2,623 per person.

Not a lot of money ..
$5,797 would make a heck of a down payment on the vehicle I need to buy.
$5,797 would put a nice metal roof on my house.
$5,797 would pay for every extra-curricular activity my kids will do by the time they graduate from high school.
$5,797 would pay for remodeling my bathroom and bedroom which are in bad shape.
$5,797 is far more than any liberal member of my family ever lent me in my times of greatest need.

$5,797 will be wasted by the U.S. government on some dead end pork barrel project or bailing out some rich dude.

With dead brain thinking like this, no wonder we're in such a mess. No wonder charlatans like Obama get elected. Why is it OK for the government to put every taxpayer $5,797 in debt at a whim?

At least a follow-up commenter makes some sense and points out Kaplan overlooks the TARP funds which make the whole deal even worse.
Chump change but the $800 billion does not include the TARP fund which has increased to 2 trillion. Wasn't it fiscal irresponsibility that got us into this mess and do we really think more of the same will get us out; regardless of which side of the political isle you are on?
Still chump change?

How long will it take before the liberals realize that Obama's the most financially irresponsible president? Will the country be able to avoid bankruptcy?

Maybe we need to have an Americathon.

Remember you're just a hillbilly and would spend that money unwisely. Just ask John Kerry.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
A $5700 check to every taxpayer sho' would be nice. But that's the "torches & pitchforks" side of my thinking.

If the folks in charge had cycled a little more money into infrastructure, education and quality control over the Clinton-Bush years, we may not be in such bad shape. But that's the "would have, should have, could have" side of me thinking.

Ditto the oversight angle - as in not letting our big financial institutions create too much fake money over the last 16 years.

What it all comes down to now is return on investment. As in: will that $5700 per-taxpayer cost result in $6000 per-taxpayer benefit over the next 4 years. It is possible. But the way the thing has been negotiated into lower-return priorities, that kind of return is looking more difficult to acheive.
CP - I agree with you on every point. Seems this has been one issue where we've been in virtual 100% agreement. Scary.
actually it's closer to $10K if you figure that only about 60% of taxpayers actually pay taxes... at least that's the figure I hear most, though it's something like 50% pay 94.6% of taxes...
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