Monday, January 26, 2009


Liberals Can Call You Yahoos and Yokels But Don't Call Them Moonbats

In the comments at her blog where she referred to white Southerners as yokels and yahoos, Mary Mancini says,
Dad - You’d have much more credibility in making your point if your comment on this blog was the only time you ever used the word “moonbat."
Mary claimed there was nothing racial about using yokel and yahoo and it was OK to use those words despite the fact that she was singling out by race and region. But, it's not OK to use the word "moonbat."

Sounds quite hypocritical to me. There's nothing racial about the word moonbat.

Then Mary takes offense at my stating I'll never have any credibility on her blog (as if I'd want to) and makes the mature statement "Save the drama for your Mama." Obviously not the finest that liberal blogdom has to offer. No, Mary's just another liberal who thinks she should be able to say or do whatever she pleases and no one should complain. Apparently she has some sort of show on a radio station. I prefer WLW out of Cincinnati with Mike McConnell and Bill Cunningham.

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