Thursday, August 28, 2008


Whiners in Short Skirts

Monroe High School, near Cincinnati, has been having a big tiff over the cheerleaders not being allowed to wear their uniforms in school.
“If we're allowed to wear it at games, you should be able to wear in school and pep rallies and stuff,” said varsity cheerleader Lindsay Bellaw.

The cheerleaders gained the support of some parents and classmates, who said officials should make an exception to the uniforms.

“I think it's ridiculous they're not allowed to wear them, because it’s like school spirit and they should be allowed to wear them,” said student Emily Campbell.
The cheerleaders, et al, are just being whiny butt, cry babies.

I asked my son if the cheerleaders were allowed to wear their uniforms in school. No. They have warm-ups they wear on game days.

Monroe school officials came up with the same solution. I'm glad they didn't cave in.
So instead, the district came up with a compromise. The school will give the cheerleaders special T-shirts to wear to school this year to show their spirit.

Next year, the school will buy policy-appropriate uniforms for the cheerleaders.
But, jees, what a bunch of whiners. At least it wasn't the swim team.

Oh for crying out loud, this kind of thing drives me nuts. What stupid girls. What stupid parents of these girls. Well, I guess that's how they got that way.
But, like, it's like school spirit... and stuff.
That's funny, in days of yore, the cheerleaders always wore their uni's on game days, and no one thought much of it. At my extremely conservative Lutheran High ['83 doncha know]...

IF there is a dress code that doesn't allow the skirts at school, then they shouldn't be allowed period. Or perhaps the dresscode is too much to start with. Looking at some of the minis my mom wore to high school in the early '60's even a cheerleader uni is pretty tame.

What is the actual message being sent?
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