Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Will Our Next President Win Due to Bigotry?

Watching the Super Tuesday results, I heard all sorts of analysis of why so-and-so did well here and not there and what it all means. The one factor largely avoided was bigotry. When it was touched upon it was mostly in relation to women voting for Hillary. Of course, this wasn't ever referred to as bigotry.

From the American Heritage Dictionary: Bigot - "One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ."

Using that definition, women who vote for Hillary because Hillary is a woman (or at least we believe she is) are bigots. So Hillary gets the bigoted female vote.

The Clintons have skillfully played the race card in their fight against Obama. It seems the "first black president" doesn't want a second one any time soon. Hillary gets the votes of bigoted white Democrats who don't like blacks like those in New Hampshire.

You could argue that Obama is getting the votes of bigoted blacks who don't like whites. I'm sure this is the case with some. But I believe Obama's black support is mostly from the excitement among blacks of the first truly viable black candidate. I am old enough, barely, to remember the excitement of Catholics when John Kennedy ran for and was elected president. Coincidentally, the first viable Mormon candidate is running for president now.

Religious people, especially conservative Christian sects, suffer more discrimination in running for national office now in the U.S. than, maybe, ever. Many the liberals and most lefties have disdain for conservative Christians and call them derogatory names such as "fundies." Here you can read all the comments by lefties and liberals arguing that Mormonism is a cult.

A "discussion" started by Sean Braisted an active member of the Davidson County Young Democrats (Tennessee).
The difference between a cult and a religion is numbers and political power.
In a later quote, he tries to clarify.
I think, from what I’ve seen, Mormonism is a silly religion…sort of like Scientology. I support a Mormon’s right to believe it, I support their right to run for office, and would even consider voting for a Mormon if they shared similar political values as myself…but seriously, golden tablets? Thats just funny.
But, remember, if you oppose illegal immigration, you're a racist. From the Davidson County Young Democrats blog:
We have an illegal immigration crisis that has nothing to do with immigration itself or the War on Terror (Securing our borders is like airport security ... a red herring) but rather a stigma perpetuated by racism and ignorance.
Oops! I stand corrected. You're racist AND STUPID.

The Democratic bigots against Mormonism wouldn't vote for any Republican in a primary anyway. If Romney were to win the Republican nomination, I'm sure the Democrats would skillfully time and again point out Romney's Mormonism, a la Ted "Can you swim?" Kennedy. John McCain will benefit from conservative bigots who won't vote for a Mormon.

No matter the eventual winner, bigotry will play significant enough role in the selection of the next president to be the deciding factor. Sad.

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