Saturday, February 02, 2008


Mitt versus the Others

GM Roper has a post that illustrates the differences between Mitt Romney, John McCain and the Democratic hopefuls.
Support amnesty or rewards for illegal aliens Yes Yes Yes No
Oppose oil exploration in the US YesYes Yes No
Tax gas 50 cents a gallon more for global warming Yes Yes Yes No
Restrict freedom of speech during elections Yes Yes Yes No
Oppose Bush tax cuts Yes Yes Yes No
Close Gitmo, prosecute POWs in U.S. courts Yes Yes Yes No
Surrender Iraq to Iran Yes Yes No No
Of course, left wing religious bigots won't vote for Romney. For the rest of us, this is useful information.

I wonder how many of the left wingers who have been harping and crying about Bush robbing us of our rights will vote for someone who actually supports our rights.

More HERE and HERE.

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