Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Where Do the Candidates Stand on Men?
Minorities and women's issues have now been political issues for over a century. Presidential candidates don't dare to ignore these issues. To do so would mean assured defeat. What about men's issues? Men are the largest and most ignored minority in the country. The percentage of men making up students in college, medical school and law school has been dropping steadily for several decades. They now make up less than half in these groups. Divorced men are often are separated from their children without a thought.
I went to the "Issues" web page for the top three candidates for each candidate to see where they stood on the challenges facing men in today's American society. Scores on a 0 to 10 scale.
I went to the "Issues" web page for the top three candidates for each candidate to see where they stood on the challenges facing men in today's American society. Scores on a 0 to 10 scale.
- Hillary Clinton - Hillary's issues page makes no mention of men. She is a "A Champion for Women", however. Her "Supporting Parents and Caring for Children issue page does not mention men or fathers either. Score = 0
- Barack Obama - Obama's main issue page doesn't mention men or women. But, if you go to his "FAMILY issues page, you will find that the first issue he addresses is "Promote Responsible Fatherhood." He outlines the problem of father absence.
Since 1960, the number of American children without fathers has quadrupled, from 6 million to more than 24 million. A healthy relationship between children and their fathers is important to good development. Children without fathers in their lives are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime, nine times more likely to drop out of school, and 20 times more likely to end up in prison.
At least Obama recognizes some of the problems currently facing men. Score = 3. - John Edwards - Edwards mentions nearly every conceivable special interest group: African Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Latinos, LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender), Women, Young America, Older Americans, People with Disabilities. Oops! No men. During the previous presidential race, I sent Edwards an email asking his position on men's issues. I guess he hasn't gotten it yet.
In Edwards 80 page "Plan to Build One America," Edwards fails to address a single specific issue for me. He does this section - "An Agenda for American Women................................................................ 68" I guess men aren't a part of Edwards "One America." Score = 0
- John McCain - McCain makes no direct mention of men's or women's issues. I'll give him a 2 for keeping it all equal. Score = 2
- Mitt Romney - Romney doesn't mention men's or women's issues specifically either. Like McCain, I'll give him a 2 for keeping it equal. Score = 2
- Mike Huckabee - Huckabee makes if 3 for 3 for the Republicans not mentioning men's or women's issues specifically. Score = 2
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