Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Did Racism Play a Role In New Hampshire

Despite predictions of an Obama landslide in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton eked out a small victory. Indeed, she won more votes but only the same number of delegates as Obama.

I can't help but wonder if racism played a role. How many people voted for Clinton because Obama is black. New Hampshire is only 1.1% black. The U.S. as a whole is 12.4%. New Hampshire has the second lowest poverty rate of any state in the nation. (Source

Both of these facts point to the possibility that racism could have easily played a role. Also, the largely financially comfortable New Hampshirites may not relate or emphasize with many of the issues Obama addresses. Given that Hillary harps on many of the same issues, racism seems more likely.

When I saw that Clinton won there, I actually had the same thought. It was the first thought that came to my mind.
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