Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Bad Day For Kids
Two tragic stories, eight kids dead. In the first, a man threw his 4 tots off a bridge to their deaths. In the other story, the badly decomposed bodies were found in a home with a woman.
The story of the man throwing the kids off the bridge came out first, at least in my news sources. Public reaction is justifiable outrage. Here is an example entitled "Bastard".
The story of the man throwing the kids off the bridge came out first, at least in my news sources. Public reaction is justifiable outrage. Here is an example entitled "Bastard".
Ya know, before these sorts of stories would make me shake my head in disgust. Now that I have kids, they make me physically ill for about 15 seconds.I wonder if there would be the same outrage if a woman had committed the acts. It would be on at least some people's part. From the comments of the above post:
Via (name deleted) who says: It’s bastards like this who make it hard to keep opposing the death penatly (sic).
The Smith drowning of her own children gave me this idea, and I think it would apply here. Put him in a large hamster ball. Then lower him into the water, bringing him up just before he dies. Do it again and again and again.Watch the blogs and news to find the differing, if any, reactions. I wonder whether these same bloggers will mention the woman with the dead kids in her house.
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