Wednesday, January 23, 2008


All Teachers, Staff At Elementary School Dismissed For Low Performance

Cincinnati Public Schools is dismissing the entire teaching staff, including the principal, at an under performing elementary school.
The entire teaching staff of an under performing Cincinnati elementary school is being replaced, along with the school's principal.

Officials said Taft Elementary has not met standards for nine years, and students score about 20 points below the district average on standardized tests.
The school's principal and 11 teachers will finish out the school year, officials said.
Officials said they hope the changes send a clear message to the community.

“We want success, we're working for success and we will make the hard and good decisions and find the partners to help us move into the future," Bolton said.
I would imagine this would also send a clear message to teachers and administrators who aren't willing to put forth the effort to make schools work.

Cincinnati has an ongoing problem with sub-par schools (among other things) which contributes to the outward flow of those who can afford to live in surrounding communities. I'm not sure I fully approve of such drastic measures but maybe it's what is needed in this case.

This strikes me as complete BS. There's no way you can convince me that EVERY teacher in this school is sub-par and needs to be removed. Every single one? Come on.

This looks like nothing more than some politicians wanting to grab some headline and, as usual, a few regular people are getting bent over.
I can't disagree with you. I imagine that this serves two purpose: 1) Hoping for good PR with the get tough with teachers/adminstrators. 2) It's easier than really evaluating each teacher's performance.
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