Saturday, January 05, 2008


Advice to Hillary: Give Up on the Experience Theme

A couple of weeks ago I posted on Hillary's supposed experience. Judging from the results in Iowa, many people, including Democrats, agree with me that her claims to experience don't hold water.

New Hampshire doesn't seem to be falling for her "experience" either - "...and gets a significant amount of boos, as she segues into experience." More on the booing at Ann Althouse. Althouse also points out Rush Limbaugh's observation that the more Bill got involved the worse Hillary did.

Captain's Quarters points out that Hillary plans to focus even more on the experience factor.
Instead of insisting on change, a theme more amenable to her opponent, Hillary will instead work on the inexperience of her opponents...
But this easily backfires, as CQ points out because Hillary ain't really that experienced herself.
She has certainly tried to sell herself as a mover in the Clinton administration, realizing that seven years in the Senate only gives her one more year in public office than Edwards and three less than Obama. Hillary attempted to cast herself as someone who got tapped whenever it got too dangerous for the President to handle a situation abroad. The only example she gave of this supposed policy was a trip in which she accompanied the comedian Sinbad, singer Sheryl Crow, and her own 15-year-old daughter to a USO show in Tuzla. If nothing else, it shows that the Clinton impulse for hyperbole, exaggeration, and flat-out untruth didn't just come from Bill.

Emphasis added.
CQ links to Politico who also looks at Hillary's new talking points.
"We’re going to continue to make the case that, in these serious times when America faces big challenges, it will take a leader with Hillary’s strength and experience to deliver real change," the talking points say.
Hillary and her advisers just don't understand that her "experience" isn't that impressive. A commenter at Politico, LORETTA, says,
She is what, 15 years older than Barack Obama, and spent 16 years as window dressing during her husband's elected offices, and is silly enough to keep parroting that 35 years' experience line.
I can't believe how Hillary continues, or even began, to claim so much experience when her experience consists primarily of clutching to Bill's coattails.

Extreme Mortman points out that a loss, or win, in Iowa is not a good predictor of who gets in the White House.
1988 Iowa GOP results: Bob Dole 37%, Pat Robertson 25%, George Bush 20%.
1988 New Hampshire GOP results: George Bush 38%, Bob Dole 29%, Jack Kemp 13%, Pete DuPont 11%. And Pat Robertson? Last with 10%.
But, given that Hillary is receiving boos in New Hampshire from fellow Democrats indicates a more serious problem.

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