Saturday, December 08, 2007


Hate Crimes??

Looking through the browser history the other day, I found a youtube video of black girls attacking a white man on a New York subway. Apparently the original video was removed because police started investigating the incident. But FoxNews has this report:

Pathetically, Alan Colmes suggests that the attack may have been staged because there is no police complaint filed by the man. One can easily think a a dozen reasons the man didn't file a complaint, from not wanting the publicity of being beaten by girls to, since he doesn't appear to have been seriously hurt, not wanting to fool with the police. It is not unknown for police to literally laugh at the victims of these attacks.

Moving to Baltimore, a .white woman was attacked and severely beaten by a group of black teenagers, male and female, (corrected) on a bus.
Sarah Kreager, 26, suffered broken facial bones and other injuries after she was punched, kicked and dragged off the bus Tuesday afternoon. Kreager's companion, Troy Ellis, was also attacked, but not beaten as severely.
This video from MSNBC shows some of her wounds.

Very brutal stuff. More pathetic and disgusting than Colmes suggestion is the parents claim that the girls were provoked. As if such a beating is justified by any words.

I wonder if any of the Jena 6 advocates will have anything to say about these crimes.

One point I'd like to make about the Jena 6 regards the charge of attempted murder resulting from the attack on Justin Barker. Many liberal dimwits seem to think because Mr. Barker was treated and released from the hospital the same day it just couldn't have been attempted murder.

Attempted murder is not necessarily related to the extent of the injuries received by the victim although more serious injuries would aid in the proof, I'm sure. Ten years ago I sat on the jury that convicted this man of attempted murder, burglary and felony stalking. (A bit of history: we were the first jury to convict someone of felony stalking in the state of Kentucky.) His victim was treated and released from the hospital the same day. You'll notice this guy still has a long time left to serve in prison.

During the 1970's, I was a juvenile probation officer in Knoxville, TN for 9 months. I felt the juvenile court system at that time was prejudiced against black kids. I wondered how we could expect kids to change for the better when they were clearly treated so unfairly. But that was 30 years ago. I'm certain that, at least in Knoxville, things are much better now. We must base our responses to violence and racism on what is happening now, not what happened 30 or more years ago.

Violence of this nature is never justified by anyone. The longer we rationalize and seek to justify it or explain it away, the longer it will exist.

Just to clarify, the attackers were male and female. They assaulted 4 people including the womans boyfriend, an elderly passenger and the bus driver who attempted to aid the elderly passenger.

While they originally stated this was being investigated as a hate crime, Baltimore officials have been quickly backpedaling away from that calling it an assault.

If races were reversed, Jackson and Sharpton would already be marching in Baltimore.
I guess the latest attack wasn't a hate crime either. Don't know what's going on in Baltimore, but it's on the rise.
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