Monday, November 19, 2007


CNN Continues to Misrepresent the Truth About Hate Crimes and the Jena 6 ran a big story today on the "rise" of hate crime in 2006. CNN includes a picture of a noose and a reference to the Jena 6.
Although the noose incidents and beatings among students at Jena, Louisiana, high school occurred in the last half of 2006, they were not included in the report.
CNN also doesn't mention the students being beat were white leaving one to easily believe otherwise. More from CNN:
Nevertheless, the Jena incidents, and a rash of subsequent noose incidents around the country, have spawned civil rights protests in Louisiana and last week at Justice Department headquarters here.
Too bad the protesters didn't look at the figures CNN provides based on the FBI report. In fact, I wonder if CNN looked at their figures.

Whites committed 58.6% of hate crimes. Blacks committed 20.6%. Given that whites make up 73.9% of the population and blacks, 12.9% according to the U.S. Census Bureau, blacks commit hate crimes at a rate more then 50% greater than whites. I guess Jesse and Al want even more black youth in jail.

This misleading nature of the story shows even greater when you look at incidents per state per CNN. Louisiana - 22; New York - 522; Massachusetts - 379; Alabama - 1 (that's right - ONE); California - 1297; Mississippi - 0 (Yep, zero, zilch, nada!); Ohio - 300; Connecticut - 131; Maryland - 212; Georgia - 13; New Jersey - 759; Louisiana - 22. (Yes, Louisiana is in there twice, for EMPHASIS!)

No, this isn't a big problem in the Deep South. It's a much bigger problem in our liberal northern and western states. If you look at the chart for offenders, you might notice the absence of Hispanics. How much you want to bet Hispanics are rolled in with the other whites? The U.S. government moves Hispanics into and out of ethnic/racial groups to help skew figures which ever direction they wish. Hispanics are Caucasians but the Feds need to stop switching them around at their whimsy.

Looking at the incidents per year that CNN shows, you will see that 2006 was lower than 5 of the past 10 years for hate crimes. So 2006 wasn't that bad.

In 2005 there were 16,692 homicides. More than double the number of hate crimes in 2006. There were 5.2 million violent crimes in 2005, obviously a much greater problem than nooses on a tree.

Hate crime is a problem but a relatively small problem. Does it make the liberal press feel good to "help" by misrepresenting the very facts they print? Why the focus on the South? Are they stuck in the 1930's? Or, before?

Are Jesse and Al interested in the truth or just power building and money grubbing? What would happen of no one listened to their false claims of racism? Jesse and Al would have to work for a living and we'd have a real chance at racial harmony.

What we don't need is to come another step to a police state based on the mob rule of Jesse and Al.

Makes me wonder if the real hate crimes are whites against whites via character assassination in the media. And those accusing whites, who seem to hate themselves and wish to project it elsewhere.
Self hatred definitely seems to be a trait of many whites. Unless you personally have committed heinous acts, why should you be held responsible? I have ancestors who fought on both sides of the Civil War. I can't take credit for either side. I can only do what I can do now.
The potato famine drove my ancestors out of Ireland and Scotland, and to new England.

I think the 1880's actually, is when they first arrived. I know the potato famine was earlier than that.

As far as I know, I don't owe anybody anything.
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