Tuesday, October 02, 2007


The Poopy Head Brigade

G. M. Roper posted a Michael Ramirez cartoon portraying the left's attack on General Patraeus and Rush Limbaugh. Then it struck me, again. The left has no foundation on which to stand so they resort to the infantile name calling and insults that I thought I left behind in kindergarten.

All the personal attacks against Patraeus, Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bush, Cheney, et al amount to no more than a 5 year old with a thesaurus call them "poopy heads" in slightly bigger words. That's right, coming up with a clever, adolescent name like "Betrayus" makes you look like the childish buffoon you are. Yes, the left's reality based cadre live in a reality that most of us left when we entered junior high.

When you have a rational foundation for your beliefs, you don't have to resort to such infantile actions.

The hypocrisy is astounding. The Democrats can call our soldiers Nazi's, murderers, accuse them of terrorizing women and children and bombing civilian homes and thats ok. Limbaugh opens his mouth and its a shitstorm. Please.

And why the hell is the Government going after a private citizen exercising his freedom of speech? That itself should scare the hell out of people.
why the hell is the Government going after a private citizen exercising his freedom of speech? That itself should scare the hell out of people.

It scares the hell out of me. The Dems have a deep seated belief that it is OK for them to do whatever they wish in the name of their "cause." I truly worry about what the future holds for my kids.
Bingo, dadvocate. What kind of life will my kids have to, well, contend with, in the future?

I still poke my nose into liberal,left wing web sites and blogs from time to time. It is in an effort to get a feel for their direction. I gave up trying to understand them, long ago. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Freedom of speech seems to belong to them alone. And that freedom of speech does not need to carry the responsibility of containing fact or truth (fact and truth are not always the same, are they?) I can't believe for one five seconds they truly do not see themselves.
It can happen here. And I see it coming, although some may call me chicken little.

The differences will be made manifest out in the streets someday. I honestly believe that. That's the reason behind gun control, and control of everything else through courts and Capitol Hill. The incredible outpouring of knowledge over the last couple hundred years has truly improved mankind's ability to live better lives, overall. Problems with these modern innovations, sure. They can be worked on, and are.

But mankind himself - same, same.

Like Churchill said, the first casualty in war is truth. Like Pogo said, we have met the enemy, and they is us. But unlike Pogo's beliefs, the enemy is his side, not mine.
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