Saturday, October 27, 2007


Global Warming Idiots Blame Global Warming For California Fires

During August and September, 1978, I made a solo motorcycle ride from Knoxville, TN to San Francisco and back. This was the first time I had been west of Oklahoma or Texas. It's a trip I believe everyone should make by car or motorcycle. Just to learn the meaning of the word "continent" if nothing else.

As Knoxville ranks as one of the wetter places in the eastern United States, I was struck by how arid are most of the regions west of the Mississippi River. When I cross the Pecos River, which I had "seen" in movies and read about in Wild West stories, no water flowed at all. A few puddles were visible and that was all.

I camped just west of Flagstaff, AZ. A six to eight inch thick bed of pine needles padded the floor under my tent. I remember thinking that in the event of a fire the place would go up like a tinder box.

Riding up the Pacific Coast Hwy, Hwy. 1, from Cambria for San Francisco, I saw numerous spots where wild fires had burned the year before. At one stop a local, originally from Cookeville, TN, described how the dry grasses and under brush provided near perfect fuel for fires.

Southern California also suffers from a drastic water shortage. It is so dry that it must import drinking water from hundreds of mils away. Residential developments continue to encroach further and further into the areas of dry grass and under brush. No one should be surprised that this area is suffering from catastrophic fires.

But what do we hear? An NBC analyst blaming the fires on global warming. Incendiary expert and U.S. Senator Harry Reid claims global warming responsible for California fires.

My personal favorite is the assertion that greater rainfall due to global warming will increase wildfires.
Foreman cautioned viewers that, “greater periods of rain” that fuel “increased vegetation growth” over the next century may provide a “potential link between these fires and global warming.”

He then pointed to a map showing “plant growth is expected to double or even triple as a result of greater periods of rain, driven by climate change.”
For starters, “greater periods of rain” that fuel “increased vegetation growth” sounds like good news. More drinking water, improved crop yields, etc. But, to ask the more obvious, if increased vegetation growth caused by greater periods of rain will increase the severity and number of wildfires how come the Brazilian rain forest or those in other places around the globe don't suffer horrific fires on a regular basis??

Thankfully, there are a few cooler (pun intended) heads out there. And, arson is responsible for some of the present fires. California and other parts of the western U.S. including Alaska have a long history (Time, Monday, Aug. 22, 1977 - Partly mentions fires of which I saw the damage in 1978. Alaskan fires in 1977 covered 1.6 million acres.) of wild fires.

I just hate the stupidity of the global warming alarmists. It's difficult to maintain an intelligent discussion and investigation into humanity's impact on our environment with the constant frantic screaming of the Chicken Littles.

My late husband and our 2 children lived in Santa Cruz during the Oakland fires...:shudder: It was bad, and watching everything burning, some skipped houses, then rebuilding in the same areas! It made NO SENSE to me.
I wonder how many people keep rebuilding in the same spot?
Consider that so many have rejected G*D and Eternity, the upshot is, they have nothing but this life. So they are compelled to make Heaven on Earth, but because of our Fallen Natures, we can't create perfection!
So all utopias end up as tyrannies.
Hence all the screeching!

being a lifelong westerner [CO] I was always amused when I was in school in Chicago, just how clueless people can be about 'flyover' country. This is why I often challenge various friends to understand the US by driving around in it. It just doesn't make the same impact as sitting in a plane for some hours. It take 2 days to cross Texas...

Those beating the global warming drums, just don't get that they are being counter productive to their own cause. Yes increased rainfal, followed by drought will cause worse fires blah, blah... We see it every year, if we have a wet spring and a dry summer. BUT, and the warming goons don't want to know this, FIRE is the natural way of the west. It is humans that jacked that up by supressing it. Hence our forests are choked with weak trees, and underbrush, rather than stronger fewer trees, with little underbrush. That, is a long term thing, going on for a century. Climate variation can do this, yes. Global climate does vary... Perhaps this time we are doing something wrong, perhaps not.

The ultimately amusing thing is that, if we fix it, we won't know. If it doesn't become bad, we won't know what we did or didn't do. I tell anyone that can hear my voice to jut do right, ie. don't be wasteful, don't pollute, and things will work themselves out.

The global warming freakout is like a fad diet. What do I have to do to lose weight? Diet and Excercise? No, that can't be it, I'm going to eat dried grapefruit for a month...

eh, my take anyway... is that not wasting, saves money. and that's to the good. How simple is it?
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