Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Winkler Insanity Continues

How can you commit premeditated murder, escape plan and all, get minimal prison time, plus a car and house? God only knows but Mary Winkler did it. The link is to DrHelen. Read the comments for excellent discussion.

At the least this is a sign of how sick our society has become, especially in terms of misguided feminist propaganda. No man is safe. Such cases seem more and more common. A woman kills her husband, makes the now stale claim that she was abused, everyone feels sorry for her and somehow ignores she committed the ultimate act of abuse by murdering someone.

Hell, O.J. was less guilty than this woman. He most likely committed his crime in a fit of rage rather than having a premeditated plan.

Yes, I think I made the right decision here. My life expectancy has probably increased 20-30 years.

And on top of everything else, this followup story is made even more surreal since she traded in the car she was given so she could buy herself an SUV.

What. The. Hell?
It's that sort of thing that convinces me she's a sociopath. She can't even effectively fake remorse.
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