Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Liberal Hypocrite? Yes or No.

Explain this one to me. Morra Aarons of BlogHer.com and Mary Katharine Ham of Townhall.com appeared on CNN Newsroom Sunday, Sept. 2. They had this exchange concerning Larry Craig and John Edwards.
AARONS: You know what, I think you're stuck in the family values of the '70s and '90s. You know, I mean, someone said, if you want a friend in Washington, you know, get a dog. And I think you see that with Craig in the past couple days. I mean, he has been in Washington for 30 years. People ran from him as quick as they could. And I just think it's really sad.

You know, I'm sorry that he had to live a lie, but he has kind of a hypocrite all these years. And his chickens came home to roost and he had no friends this weekend. They got him out of there quicker than you could say "closet."

HAM: Well, and he did shoot himself in the foot to some extent by pleading guilty. And that really made a huge difference, I think.

AARONS: And by not telling his party leadership until recently. I think that, you know, he didn't behave, he didn't follow the rules. They got him out of there, in a safe seat, no less.

HARRIS: Mary Katharine, do you want to see Senator Craig back in Washington, maybe just to say good-bye to the staff, maybe to make this resignation formal? Do you want the specter of all the cameras? And what do you think?

HAM: Well, I think as a guy who, like Morra said, who has been there for 30 years, he deserves the chance to come back and close the deal and say good-bye to folks. But as far as a political career, no, I think it's over.

HARRIS: So, Mary Katharine, what's the story? I missed this one about John Edwards and the hypocrisy here with an SUV. What, is he railing against SUVs and he is traveling around the country? What's this story here?

HAM: Yes. He is -- the man who owns two SUVs, at least two, is telling us that they should not drive SUVs. And, you know, as we say in North Carolina, which is where I'm from, that boy ain't right. He was born without a shame bone. And he really is just yucking it up out on the trail out there. And I don't think that plays well with people. It's liberal overreaching, especially when you can see the two SUVs in his driveway.

AARONS: Mary Katharine, with all due respect, I don't think you can call it liberal overreaching. You know, he buys carbon offsets. He was the first candidate actually to declare a carbon neutral campaign. And the fact that when he said, and the first candidate to do so, we may have to stop driving SUVs if we want to save our planet. Special interests said, oh, well, there goes Michigan. It just shows how toxic the system is.
Emphasis added.

Aarons calls Craig a hypocrite. I can't really argue with that assessment. There seems to be a large gap between Craig's actions and professed beliefs. But, in virtually the very next breath, Aaron defends John Edwards' hypocritical position on global warming.

I almost wonder if Aarons is joking. But when I watched it on TV she seemed completely serious. Maybe I'm too dense to get the joke.

Edwards, Al Gore, Ted Kennedy and their ilk are preparing the ground work for a modern day feudal system in which the privileged few live in their castles and ride (and fly) in their fine carriages while the rest of us labor only to be allowed heavily restricted "privileges." They will live in idyllic settings blemished by nary a windmill while we live in lands unfit for "them."

Edwards, Gore, Kennedy, et al pose a greater threat to our future than Craig ever did or ever will. How anyone believes these people have anything to offer that will make this land a better place to live is beyond me.

Edwards, Al Gore, Ted Kennedy and their ilk are preparing the ground work for a modern day feudal system in which the privileged few live in their castles and ride (and fly) in their fine carriages while the rest of us labor only to be allowed heavily restricted "privileges."

Truly sickening.
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