Saturday, September 01, 2007


Larry Craig Scandal Highlights Liberal/Leftist Hypocrisy

Senator Larry Craig has announced his resignation following the scandal that ensued sex solicitation in the men's room at the Minneapolis airport becoming public knowledge. He resigned in the shame that those of non-heterosexual orientation often face.

The liberal Democratic left often makes a big deal of championing the cause of gays. But they failed to come to the aid of Craig. Why? Is it that they don't really care about those of diverse sexual orientation?

Larry Craig was born and raised in Idaho. I've never been to Idaho but I can imagine that residents of the rural, agrarian state typically do not take kindly to people of homosexual or bisexual orientation, especially during Craig's formative years during the 1950's and 1960's.

Like many people growing up in Craig's circumstances, Craig may have fought against his urges, but not with full success. Desiring a career in politics and being fully aware of the stigma and shame places upon gays, bisexuals, etc, he tried to hide his sexuality. And, he did so for many years.

Whether or not Craig was actually soliciting sex in the restroom is not relevant at this point. The left's reaction is. Some lefty bloggers crowed and giggled over Craig's plight while they should have been more concerned with fighting for the rights of those with other sexual orientations whose cause they claim to champion.

A heterosexual man, or woman, can seek partners for sexual encounters in bars, coffee shop, libraries, the Oval office, outside restrooms, and grocery stores. But, because of the stigma placed on homosexuality, etc, men like Craig cannot seek partners in public places but are relegated to the back alleys and restrooms.

Indeed, by their criticism of Craig or by their silence the lefty "supporters" of gay/lesbian rights contribute to the continuation of gays/lesbians/bisexuals continuing to be scorned and stigmatized in our society just for the momentary pleasure of watching a Republican Senator writhe in pain and bite the dust. If you really hold a set of values to be valuable and an inalienable human right, you don't sacrifice those rights for pleasure or to possibly gain a little power. No, you fight for those rights. And, obviously, lefties only fight for a right when it gives them pleasure or power, not because it is a right.

Shame on them.

UPDATE: Here are some values listed in a Planned Parenthood classroom activity.
Process or Relativist World View
1. Sexuality is a natural and positive life force with both sensual and spiritual aspects.
2. Sex does not have to be confined to marriage; pleasure, love, and celebration are goals in themselves.
3. Tolerance or acceptance of same-gender relationships.
4. God’s purpose for sex is to celebrate life; masturbation, oral sex, and same-gender relationships can express the celebratory and communion nature of sex.
5. Flexible, egalitarian gender roles.
6. Emphasis on people and their relationships rather than on what they do genitally.
If they really believe this stuff how come they haven't spoke out in defense of Craig? Don't ask, don't tell policies in the military, discrimination is everywhere. Yes, Larry Craig's alleged actions are repulsive to most of us. At rest stops on the Interstate and many other public places, I won't allow my children to go to the restroom alone but go to a convenient store or fast food place instead, especially at night. But, if we lived in a tolerant, accepting society as described by Planned Parenthood, Larry Craig wouldn't have felt compelled to hide his sexuality in restrooms and such places.

Here is what Planned Parenthood says regarding homophobia at Teenwire:
Homophobia is negative feelings about people who are (or appear to be) gay, lesbian, or bisexual. It's caused by ignorance, misinformation, or lack of understanding about what lesbian, gay, bisexual, and straight people are really like and how they really appear. Sometimes it shows itself in obvious ways, like gay men and lesbians being beaten up or being denied a job.
Yet, the left seems to be completely willing to perpetuate these prejudices when it comes to an unsympathetic Republican Senator. Next week they'll be complaining about the lack of progress which they themselves hindered, and calling conservatives "fascist Nazis."

(Hat tip to The Anchoress.)

UPDATE 2:Mark Steyn has some thoughts.
The left gives the impression that a Republican senator caught in a whorehouse ought immediately to say, "You're right. I should have supported earmarks for hookers in the 2005 appropriations bill." That's the reason why sex scandals take down Republicans but not Democrats: Sex-wise, the left's standards are that whatever's your bag is cool – which is the equivalent of no standards. Thus, Monica Lewinsky was a "grown woman" free to make her own decisions on the carpet of the Oval Office. Without agreed "moral standards," all you have is the law. When it's no longer clear something is wrong, all you can do is make it illegal.
The left promotes "rights" only when it serves to bring more power to the left. They are not rights at all but chips to be played in a poker game only when they can bring more power to the left. The left does not care about true rights any more than they cared about their much heralded value of "diversity" when Clarence Thomas was nominated to the Supreme Court.

Hat tip to Instapundit.

Most of the people I know (regardless of sexuality or political stripe) are far more socially advanced than trying to pick up strangers in a public bathroom. 100% of the people I know of all political stripes think that kind of behavior is just gross and indefensible.
Yes, it's gross and indefensible. But it would probably wouldn't occur except for the stigmas of society which force people like Craig to believe they must hide their true sexuality.

People like Craig are driven to to break the law because of society much the same way that people on poverty sometimes break the law due to their poverty. The "root causes" of this behavior is the social condemnation people like Craig received. Indeed, is not setting up stings in restrooms a form of persecution?

Are they setting up stings in bars for heterosexuals seeking sexual partners? The "root causes" of Craig's behavior is quite similar to the "root causes" of much crime, poverty, etc: a society that with prejudices, biases, taboos that prevent people who do not fall within in the norms from living an open lifestyle. Would Idaho, up to this point, have elected a gay/bisexual Senator? I'd bet my paycheck on "No."

I've read many similar arguments by lefties blaming society for being the root cause for crime, and all sorts of other stuff. This argument is one of the lefty standards. The only difference here is that Craig has a "(R)" behind his name.
in the uk we have several gay members of parliament, it doesnt stop them from doing their job.

i dont care if the politicians are gay, straight, bi, or a symbiotic alien from alpha centauri.. so long as they do the job. it shouldnt matter his or her sexual orientation.

there are 2 problems i see here, one is in america there are a lot of religious politicians, who follow that the bible is the only truth, there may be a seperation of church and state, in paper, but in reality, not at all.

the other is as dadvocate said, they are being marginalised pushed to the fringes of society, because of the mindless prejudice of these religious people.

i say if they can do the job it doesnt matter what goes on, if they cant if any politician cant do the job get rid and get someone who can.
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