Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Quote of the Day

In the typical sanctimonious, condescending manner of many liberals, Pat Schroeder, president of the American Association of Publishers, insulted all conservatives in response to a poll showing that liberals read more books than conservatives.
"The Karl Roves of the world have built a generation that just wants a couple slogans: 'No, don't raise my taxes, no new taxes,'" Pat Schroeder, president of the American Association of Publishers, said in a recent interview. "It's pretty hard to write a book saying, 'No new taxes, no new taxes, no new taxes' on every page."
But that is not the quote of the day.

The quote of the day is White House spokesman Tony Fratto's remark.
White House spokesman Tony Fratto said Schroeder was "confusing volume with quality" with her remarks.

"Obfuscation usually requires a lot more words than if you simply focus on fundamental principles, so I'm not at all surprised by the loquaciousness of liberals," he said.

Emphasized added
The next time you read a "liberal" post or oped column remember this quote. Liberals engage in much convoluted logic and circular/emotional reasoning to try to make their points. An excess of words is necessary for this process. It takes a lot of effort to avoid putting the word "illegal" in front of "immigrant" or to use the word "insurgent" rather than "terrorist." Then one must go to great lengths to "explain" why.

The only people who buy it are those with similar disturbances in their logic process.

Here are some thoughts from J. Krishnamurti that speaks clearly to the issue of reading.
I wonder why you study, why you read philosophy, why you read the sayings of religious leaders. Do you think the knowledge which you have learned, read of, will get you anywhere? Perhaps in a discussion, to show off your cleverness or erudition, it might be useful. But will accumulated knowledge—except in the scientific world—lead man, you or me, to find out what is real, what is truth, what is God. The eternal?
Quoting Krishnamurti is paradoxical. Lest you think he wrote books for us to read, he did not. Krishnamurti never wrote a book, his "books" are collections of his talks with others.

BTW - Mark Steyn wrote an excellent piece the other day contrasting reaction to the execution of the three young adults in Newark to the murder of Matthew Shepard.
By contrast, there's been a succession of prominent stories with one common feature that the very same pundits, politicians and lobby groups have a curious reluctance to go anywhere near. In a New York Times report headlined "Sorrow And Anger As Newark Buries Slain Youth," the limpidly tasteful Times prose prioritized "sorrow" over "anger," and offered only the following reference to the perpetrators: "The authorities have said robbery appeared to be the motive. Three suspects – two 15-year-olds and a 28-year-old construction worker from Peru – have been arrested."

So, this Peruvian guy was here on a green card? Or did he apply for a temporary construction-work visa from the U.S. Embassy in Lima?

Not exactly. Jose Carranza is an "undocumented" immigrant. His criminal career did not begin with the triple murder he's alleged to have committed, nor with the barroom assault from earlier this year, nor with the 31 counts of aggravated sexual assault relating to the rape of a 5-year-old child, for which Mr. Carranza had been released on bail. (His $50,000 bail on the assault charge and $150,000 bail on the child-rape charges have now been revoked.) No, Mr. Carranza's criminal career in the United States began when he decided to live in this country unlawfully.
Why is there no outcry against our lax treatment of criminal immigrants by the liberal media in response to these murders? Is it because they view illegal immigrants as "more oppressed" than black kids in New Jersey? In the back of their minds do they consider this an acceptable sacrifice?

I'm sure they have some long winded semi-intelligible explanation. But it won't help those three kids like enforcing our immigration laws very well might have.

My apologies to true classical liberals. Unfortunately the left's lunatic fringe, many of whom now call themselves "progressives," have tainted the term liberal for many years to come.

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