Thursday, June 28, 2007


Immigration Bill Dead For Now
Continue the Fight for Democracy

The immigration bill fell 14 votes short of the needed 60 to end the debate, effectively killing the bill for now. Both of Ohio's Senators changed their votes from Tuesday. I believe Voinovich could see the writing on the wall after his disastrous interview with Sean Hannity yesterday.

I heard part of it live on the radio yesterday while driving home from work. Voinovich's lack of knowledge of the bill and potential problems was frightening. Hannity's not that tough of an interviewer but Voinovich destroyed himself. I still will not support him for re-election. Please give me a real Republican or a good independent candidate.

I love reactions to the vote by the bill's authors and supporters.
till, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., who co-authored the legislation along with Arizona Republican Sen. Jon Kyl, said the bill would live to see another day.

"The United States Senate was created just for this kind of issue. ... You cannot stop the march for progress in the United States, and on this issue I have every hope and every expectation that we will ultimately be successful.

Emphasis added.
March for progress? What a bunch of BS. Not all change is progress. I fail to see how this bill promised any progress in controlling illegal immigration. It's most probable effect would have been the opposite. Ultimately, every immigration Mr. Kennedy has helped write has been unsuccessful.

George Bush:
"Legal immigration is one of the top concerns of the American people and Congress's failure to act on it is a disappointment. The American people understand the status quo is unacceptable when it comes to our immigration laws. A lot of us worked hard to see if we couldn't find a common ground — it didn't work," he said.
No, Mr. Bush, the status quo that is unacceptable is your failure to enforce the laws we have. The same laws you swore to uphold twice. It seems you desire to further enrich powerful friends, corporations, your friends and yourself is more important than your sworn word. Our greater disappointment is your failure to act, Mr. Bush. Your failure to enforce the laws.

Howard Dean, the Democratic Party chairman, said it was "a reminder of why the American people voted Republicans out in 2006 and why they'll vote against them in 2008."

Huh? The immigration bill was primarily a Democratic bill. The bill was defeated because of thousands, maybe millions, of phone calls, emails, letters, etc. sent to Senators by constituents. Does Dean think those same constituents will support politicians who go against their wishes?

The supporters of this bill have questionable motives. Undoubtedly one of the worst pieces of legislation for serving the best interests of the people, i.e. citizens of the U.S.

Now the "Fairness" Doctrine has risen its ugly head again. Again, by liberals. The reasons for this are obvious. Liberal ideas are fairing poorly with the free exchange of ideas on radio and the Internet. McCain/Feingold attempted to silence voices unfavorable to incumbents. Fortunately, the Supreme Court ruled parts of McCain/Feingold unconstitutional the other day. Another great victory for freedom.

The House has to ban the "Fairness" Doctrine. Things are looking up here, also.

Why is it that liberals (and incumbents) so badly want to squash free speech and freedom of the press? Do they want to eliminate dissenting voices? It certainly seems so. Have they forgotten that their duty is to serve the people. It certainly seems so. It seems many in Congress have come to view themselves as the ruling aristocracy and believe that the American people should serve them. How many years has Kennedy now served? Should anyone serve that long without a serious challenge? No wonder he's so arrogant.

This commenter to the Voinvoch/Hannity interview at Hot Air hit the nail on the head.
Somehow, over the past 231 years or so we have created an aristocracy in the country. The Senate, the House, the presidency no longer serves the people. We exist to only serve the royal ones. They travel and live like royalty and we as their subjects must never question their judgements.
Voinovich, is a perfect example of all of this. He thought Hannity was there to entertain him. Oh Sean, do some juggling bit or such. What? You dare question me? How dare ye?
I was never in favor of term limits until now.

hoosierken on June 28, 2007 at 8:04 AM
We may rest easy tonight but must be prepared to fight again tomorrow and each day afterwards. We must continue to remind our so called public servants in Congress and the White House who is in charge. If they can't perform up to standard, fire 'em!

Excellent advice for Congress from Instapundit.

Some very good comments by all a.k.a Instapundit and Dadvocate.

The 'wisdom' of Howard Dean is dribble. This issue as we know, has been 'round for too too long.

If Mr. Dean thinks the Congress ala the Democrat's are hitting on all 8 cylinders, have him address the new apprroval Ratings of 14% for congress... they're over achievers. It's never been this low.

Now, that said, I am not bashing the dem's. I am an Independent. Both the Repub and Dem's are just not getting 'er done. One wants to blame another for any mishap, and guess who is in the middle Joey Public.

But folks, an approval rating of 14%, down from 23% !!
If your kids came home with test scores like this, semester-in and semester-out, what would you think? what would you do?
Well written! I couldn't agree with you more. We the people must remain alert and continue the fight to ensure that illegal immigration is reduced by ENFORCING THE LAWS CURRENTLY IN EFFECT. Yes, the very same laws that have been shamelessly ignored and flouted in order to placate greedy big business types who want an endless source of cheap labor to fatten their own coffers, as well as cowtowing to RACIST GROUPS LIKE LA RAZA AND MALDEF. These radical groups exploit illegal aliens in order to further their own twisted and perverse agenda (Does the word RECONQUISTA RING A BELL?) Furthermore, the people are fed up by the preferential treatment these illegal aliens are given at the expense of American citizens. Anyone who wants to come here for a better way of life, and GOES THROUGH THE PROPER PROCEDURE to become a citizen is welcome.American citizen must be earned, and IS NOT AN ENTITLEMENT despite what Ted Kennedy and his ilk believes. I always support LEGAL IMMIGRATION, BUT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION must be curtailed, and the truly violent illegal aliens who are killing, robbing and raping innocent citizens are the FIRST THAT MUST BE BOOTED OUT OF HERE.
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