Sunday, June 03, 2007


Bush Continues to Blunder on Immigration

This editorial in The Examiner pretty much sums up Bush's blunders regarding illegal immigration. However, it misses a few details.
President Bush wants Congress to approve an immigration compromise bill that will be supported mainly by Democrats. He’s no longer worried about getting re-elected, so in his pushing for the bill’s passage, Bush has now told millions of voters to get lost. These are the people who have been his most loyal supporters on virtually every other issue.

Yet Bush now condemns them as unwilling to do “what’s right for America” and accuses their allies in Congress of using “empty rhetoric” to misrepresent the bill as a form of amnesty for illegal aliens. Bush appealed for “a chance to fix the problems in a comprehensive way that enforces our border and treats people with decency and respect.”
I just love how George has the gall to berate opponents to the bill by saying we have "a chance to fix the problems..." Gee, I wonder how these problems came into being. Could it be that the executive branch of the federal government, headed by Mr. Bush, totally and completely failed to do its constitutionally mandated duty of enforcing the laws of the nation? The answer is a resounding "YES!" But Mr. Bush fails to take any responsibility.
Whatever happens with the immigration bill now being debated in Congress, Bush’s greatest failure has been his consistent refusal to take concrete and credible steps to secure America’s borders, especially the nearly 2,000 miles shared with Mexico.

Bush is quick to take credit for the absence of terrorist attacks in the U.S. since 2001. But the ugly truth is we still don’t know how many terrorists are here and we have no clue where they are. For that matter, nobody knows with any certainty if there are 12 million, 16 million or 20 million illegal aliens in this country.
I have to agree with Barack Obama, "we live in a more dangerous world, not a less dangerous world..." (This doesn't mean I'll vote for him. The chances of that are very slim.) It is quite obvious that when 12 million or more people can illegally enter our country, we are not safer.

The truly empty rhetoric here is coming from Mr. Bush and his cronies, such as John McCain who is yet to realize he has a snowball's chance in Hell of being elected president. No matter what you think of Mr. Bush as a person (he seems like a decent sort personally), what you think about the war in Iraq (I'm ambivalent, his tax cuts (Love'em.), the one word that will be most associated with his administration is "failure."

Liberals, Democrats, environmentalists, etc with consider Bush a failure for one set of reasons. Conservatives, Republicans, and other sane people will consider him a failure for other reasons.

I looked forward to leaving the partisan bickering and liberal idiocy of the Clinton years behind when Bush was elected. But, Bush replaced the idiocy with his own brand and left us in more quagmires then when he started.

Hat tip to PsychoPhil.

Whether Democrat or Republican ( I am neither as I cannot tell any difference) immigration reform is heating up.
Some think the present bill in the Senate is too lenient and some think it is too strict. Let me remind the reader that Immigration was top of mind some years back , the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. [this has also been postd by others on this DADvocate site, in addition to other gifts by the Government to past Illegal's].
It created a law against hiring illegal immigrants AND it gave amnesty to Illegal Immigrants that worked in the USA since January 1982. At that time 2.7 million Illegals where given amnesty. Sound familiar? It's deja veu all over again.

What have we not learned? We are now up to 14 to 20 million illegal aliens and we want to repeat the process all over again... no tough boarder patrol, no tough legal actions of deportation, etc.
My issue is not with people that want to earn a living - it is with all the criminals that take advantage of this system, put people at risk, bring grief to our communities, etc. and leave the tax payer to mop up with additional costs, and services that are now needed.
President Bush asked commented just last week that the main reason people do not have confidence in this bill, is due to the Government's perceived inability to enforce it. He said, ' give us the chance to show you'. Mr. President, you did show us...this is called history.

The 1986 bill is still intact and being abysmally enforced. The new bill [S1348 in the Senate] in fact gives the same offerings, yet the amnesty happens over a longer period.
Does it not makes sense to tighten the controls fist, get the rules and processes in place first a.k.a. a foundation, then consider how to handle the tonnage of illegal immigrants . This is not a big point of contention with me, just an observation.
So, I got to do something about this... I have been part of NumbersUSA for some time now. There are 375,000 members. They (we) all participate by getting involved with congress, our local leaders, etc. The top of mind issue is Immigration and the lackluster approach that has been taken so far. The group has active participants across the USA, and has daily representation in Washington D.C.
The approach is to petition, fax and call various congress members and 'get their attention'. In May 2007, 751,000 faxes where sent to these representatives on Immigration alone. These faxes are followed up by D.C. members to 'inspire' these folks to vote as their constituents request and require them to. We win some we loose some, but we are not silent. If you care to take a look and see what this is all about, please visit
You said,

"the one word that will be most associated with his administration is 'failure.'"

I disagree! In fact, the Bush Administration has been very successful in doing everything that their real masters, i.e.,. the global bankers and multinational corporations, had elected them to do. The sad truth is that Son of a Bush, like his father and like Billary, are actually globalist ideologues who's loyalties reside, not with the American people, but with the Neo-communist global community, The United Nations and The New World Order.

From day one, the real Bush agenda has been nothing less than these three deliberate acts of treason :

1. The obliteration of our national borders and the deliberate presidential bullying of the American people by using an invading foreign mob of poor Mexicans.

2. The destruction of our Bill Of Rights and Constitution in order to prepare us for neo-serfdom under totalitarian rule. For further details, either Google the North American Union or see my blog 'Tyranny and Mutation".

3. The destruction of the dollar, which will be replaced by the "Amero". As well as the destruction of the middle class via the outsourcing of American jobs threw one way "fast-track" trade deals with third world countries and the insourcing of cheep labor threw such things as open borders, legal immigration and the H1-B Visa program.

Yup! The past three administrations, and this one in particular, have actually been quite successful in their efforts to bankrupt and destroy America, and in leading us into global slavery.
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