Thursday, April 12, 2007


Curious Juxtaposition:Crop Damage from Cold/Global Warming

At FacingSouth:

Massive crop damage around the South

Record-low freezing temperatures around the South over this past weekend had a devastating impact on crops that could result in damages in the billions of dollars and higher prices for produce in the coming months.
(Posted April 10, 2008)

The post immediately below it, posted April 9, 2007.

Climate action rallies set for this weekend

This coming Saturday, April 14 marks Step It Up 2007, the first National Day of Climate Action. There will be more than 1,300 gatherings across the country, from big rallies that aims to draw thousands, to modest global-warming awareness events organized by small groups of concerned citizens.
I love how it's "climate action" now instead of global warming. Liberals, or is that "progressives" now, love playing with words and ignoring reality. I just can't wait until we have full control of the Earth's climate.

but IF and its a big if global warming does occur, then the russian steppes, will be able to grow more food, its only the centre part the hottest now. where they cant grow much food anyway.
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