Thursday, March 08, 2007


The Failure of Socialism in Europe

Newsweek reports the Europe's costly social programs have created a tremendous burden on young adults
they be forced to pick up the tab for a welfare system that offers far more to the elderly than to the young, but they will be forced to do so with less: Europe's economy remains skewed in favor of the old and its politicians have been shy about pushing painful reforms that might correct the balance. No wonder one recent poll in France showed that only 5 percent believed young people had a better chance of succeeding than their parents.
but it's clear who's to blame for today's sorry situation: the boomers. The sunlit decades of postwar prosperity saw the creation of generous welfare states across Europe. Dynamic economies assured the boomers secure employment (Germans still like to speak of "job owners") and hefty pensions on retirement. But this good fortune came at a price. The same labor rules that protect the jobs of the middle-aged shut out the young. And dwindling birthrates mean there will soon be fewer workers to support the retirees.
The other day, DrHelen posted about female politicians should quit talking about motherhood and their grand kids. Female politicians in France have the same problem.
Socialists' Ségolène Royal, has pledged more housing, €10,000 loans and guaranteed jobs or training after six months of unemployment. As Royal told a party rally last week: "As a mother, I want for all children born and raised in France what I wanted for my own children."

They now seem unlikely to get it.
Emphasis added

No wonder they call it the "mommy state." And, despite however pretty, warm and cuddly it may be, socialism doesn't work.

but as a childfree, we get things like, ah but our kids will be paying for your pension (by the time i retire there will be no pensions), or who will look after you when your old. etc

and i disagree with it, the elderly are not benefitting as much as people think, in the UK, most of the money goes to working family tax credits, child benefits etc etc.. pensioners, who some have fought in wars are being made broke, due to rampant inflation, and due to their kids and grandkids, sponging off them.

so its not as clear cut
as for mommy politicians, does having a kid make you any better than someone who doesnt.

can you do the job better, with kids around squealing. it should be not about how many kids you have, it should be can you do the job, if you cant then dont do it.
the elderly are not benefitting as much as people think,

This is true in the U.S., too. The government and politicians lead you to believe that retirement, medical benefits, etc. will be provided from the government programs but the benefits are rather minimal.

If most people paid half of what they what they pay into Social Security and Medicare into private investments, they would be able to retire in luxury.
The undue burden on young people on both sides of the pond has far more to do with the majority of young people not being involved in the processes that govern them. End of story. Socialism, capitalism, and everything in between will all put an undue burden on the people who are less involved as a group than those who are.

As far as taking money paid into SS & MC and investing it privately, it would be a gamble as all things are. The only people guaranteed to retire in luxury under such systems are major stockholders and stock brokers. The best way for young people, on this side of the pond, anyway, to have an above average chance of 'retiring in luxury' is to begin creating equity as soon as possible instead of renting for so long - social security and medicare payments be dammned.

If I had not gone to college and worked instead, saved up my money and bought a modest Island City/Brunswick home back in 1998, I would be around 200,000K in the black right now instead of several thousand in the red.

My social security taxes are negligible compared to the cost of college and rent since 1996.
but add to that the job market in the UK is very unstable, you cant have that job for life anymore, hell its hard to find a job for 5 years, before it closes or downsizes. so even if you could put money into property, it still wouldnt work out, as where would you live if you sold your property, you would have to buy a more expensive house as all house prices has risen..
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