Sunday, February 04, 2007


A Man's Job: Keeping Women Happy

Writing in the UK Telegraph, "I'll tell you why women are running out of men to marry"Boris Johnson begins with this jewel.
I was half asleep in the front seat the other day, coming back from some exhausting tour of an educational establishment, and in the back seat were two twentysomething female graduates. They were talking about men, so I tried to focus, while keeping my eyes cunningly half closed.

One of them made the eternal feminine complaint. "All men are useless these days," she said. "Yeah," said the other. "The trouble is that they haven't risen to the challenge of feminism. They don't understand that we need them to be more masculine, and instead they have just copped out."

I am afraid that, at this point, I copped out myself, and slid into unconsciousness. But before I went under I thought, hmmm, this is interesting; and I think back to that conversation as I read that women continue their astonishing dominance of university admissions.
Johnson continues on elaborately analysing why women are running out of men in this opinion piece.

Johnson wouldn't have enough copy to fill his allotted space but he could have easily narrowed down the problem to this "They don't understand that we need..." All to often that seems to be the crux of the problem of the problems between males and females. It's all about what the female "needs" or "wants." Every female has become the princess in the "Princess and the pea" fairy tale and males are supposed to run around trying to relieve every discomfort and please the female in every way.

Sorry, Ladies, I'd rather go fishing.

Hat tip to Instapundit

I remember getting in this discussion at work, one evening. I was asked by two female colleagues why I didn't have a girlfriend. My reply, (a la Mel Gibson in Braveheart) "how can you live without freedom?" did not amuse.

They then asked if I just slept around. I told them, no, as I have gotten older, sandwiches and naps are much higher on the priorities list then sex. They said I was just not having sex with the right people.

I told them, no, those people were just slow in brining me my damn sandwich.

cousin pat - I never thought of it quite like that but, now that I do, the number of times I really wish I could take a nap or eat a good sandwich is much more than the number of times I crave sex.

JW - what she wants him to want
I've had that experience many times and then been lambasted because I don't express the deemed amount of gratitude.

Oh well, I'm off to Penn Station for a Philly Cheese Steak sandwich.
they complained we werent in touch with our feminine side, the complained we were too masculine, now they want us to be more masculine (but not too much).

thank god i found my woman, who doesnt care about that stuff, and she makes a great sandwiche ;-)
mercurior - You're one lucky man.
Hmmm, I have the most self sufficient wife in the world, she makes a terrific sandwich and even can bake the bread for it. On the other hand, I just can't get her to understand the joy of eating a pork tenderloin, pork chops, ham steak. But she will occasionaly take a bite of my BLT. So, I guess you just can't have everything. ;-)
gm - you live in Texas, there oughta be some pretty good pork barbeque around somewhere.
"gm - you live in Texas, there oughta be some pretty good pork barbeque around somewhere."

Have you ever been to Texas? Pork barbecue is almost non-existent there. Beef is everything in Texas. We used to joke that a Texas chicken was the cow that flinched when the metal spike drove through its neck at the slaughterhouse. I didn't even know there was such a thing as pork barbecue until I moved from Dallas, TX to Atlanta, GA in the late-80s.* I asked my mom what was wrong with the barbecue we were eating and she said it was made from pork. I never did get used to the idea. Nowadays, the larger chain barbecue locations in Texas tend to have some sort of pork on their menu but it's usually some form of sausage.

* I had also never heard of Mr. Pibb since Texas was very much Dr. Pepper country.
dante - Dang! And I don't particularly care for beef barbeque. In Knoxville there is a fast food chain, Buddy's Barbeque, that serves real, honest-to-God hickory smoked barbeque, pork, beef, or chicken.

If you're ever up that way, try it. You'll be surprised how good it is. Whenever we're in Knoxville, my kids insist on at least one visit. Sometimes we buy it by the pound to take home with us.
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