Friday, December 08, 2006


Male Student Sexually Molests Teachers Aide

In Bellmead, TX, a male student sexually molested a female teachers aide. The student is accused of "accused of rubbing his face in the chest of a female employee." The more formal accusation is "inappropriate physical behavior interpreted as sexual contact and/or sexual harassment."

The only problem with the incident is that the male student is only 4 years old.
Damarcus Blackwell's four-year-old son was lining-up to get on the bus after school last month, when he was accused of rubbing his face in the chest of a female employee.

The prinicipal of La Vega Primary School sent a letter to the Blackwells that said the pre-kindergartener demonstrated "inappropriate physical behavior interpreted as sexual contact and/or sexual harassment."

Blackwell says it's ridiculous that the aide would misread a hug from a four-year-old. Blackwell wrote to administrators demanding that the whole incident be expunged from his son's academic file because his son is too young to know what it means to act sexually.

David Davis, the executive director of the Advocacy Center in Waco tends to agree with Blackwell. He says assuming the boy has not had sexual encounters, or been inappropriately exposed to pornography, most four-year-olds are sexually innocent.
I suppose the school officials believe they are doing society a favor by nippimg in the bud the blooming career of a sexual predator. Who knows? In a couple of years, he might pinch a girl. He might eventually try to kiss a girl. Yuk!!

Allowed unchecked, this could lead to putting two of his fingers inside a girls waistband. And finally, he might actually KISS A GIRL!!! Double Yuk!!!

And they wonder why boys don't like school. They wonder why boys have higher dropout rates and higher suicide rates.

These idiots claim they are intelligent enough to teach our children. I think not. If you're perception of reality is so tainted, so slanted that you can't discern childhood affection and play from sexual harassment, you have no business in the teaching profession. You probably have no business in any profession that involves any significant interaction with others. You need to work the graveyard shift in the graveyard.

And some people continue to wonder why the American education system is so poor. The answer is obvious and the answer IS NOT lack of parental involvement.

ifthis kids is labelled a sex fiend, then it will stay with him for his entire school life, and he may very well turn into the creature.

i am glad i am not going to school today, if i was i would be medicated.
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