Tuesday, October 24, 2006


The Tragedy of Getting a Hummer At McDonalds

Some people have no life at all. While ordinary folks concern themselves with meeting the monthly budget, keeping the kids on the straight and narrow, what they can afford for Christmas, and then there are the clueless, activist fools who believe it is their duty to police the toys McDonalds gives children in their Happy Meals.

We're not talking about dangerous toys, not toys that pose a choking hazard or toys that might inadvertently severe the carotid artery. Nope, just a toy Hummer vehicle. What danger is a toy Hummer?
So why did they give away 42 million toy Hummers in Happy Meals? The fast-food chain that helped make our kids the fattest on Earth cut a deal with General Motors to sell future car buyers on the fun of driving a supersized, smog-spewing, gas-guzzling SUV originally built for the military. Use the Ronald McHummer Sign-O-Maticâ„¢ to say what you think of this misguided marketing marriage.
Yes, that's all it takes to brainwash a 5 year old so that he/she will buy a certain product 20 or 30 years down the road. I'm negotiating now to have dolls with my likeness put in all the girl's Happy Meals. Once those girls hit 18, they're mine!

Years ago my son received a toy NASCAR racing car in his Happy Meal. This fully explains why he races around the roads like Richard Petty. I still can't figure out why he does it in a '94 BMW instead of a Mopar product.

The site carries a disclaimer stating it is a "parody" site. But the message seems quite serious. You can make your own McDonalds sign too! However, if the sign isn't insulting to McDonalds, corporations, carnivores and the such, don't expect to see it posted. My sign saying to get a life and leave the kids toys alone never showed.

Frankly, I'm continually amazed that so many people have so much time and energy to spend on so little. I suggest they read Plato's Analogy of the Cave and try to decide who's laughing at who about what and in what the quality of the laugh is. This should keep their small minds occupied for several decades.

You are one creepy dude.
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