Thursday, October 26, 2006


Make a Little Plan, Stan!

A badgered husband sent "Ask Laskas" at Reader's Digest this letter.
When we married, my wife and I agreed to keep our finances separate, but twice I've had to pay off her credit card bills -- big time. Now she's in debt again to the tune of $9,000. I told her she has to pitch the plastic. She snapped back that I'm the problem -- I should bring home more money. I'm about ready to call it quits. What can I do?
Laskas points out the wife shows no remorse and needs to take responsibility. Laskas gives him the typical advice: see a financial planner, get into couples therapy.

Forgetta about it, mister!! You don't mention kids, so I assume you don't have any. Make sure you don't create any kids. Start your secret savings account. Hide assets. Consult with an attorney on how to get out of this marriage with the least damage.

I doubt a woman with this behavior and attitude will change enough for this marriage to work. All problems will always be your fault, buddy. Do everything you can to protect yourself and your assets and tell her to take a hike.

Good Advice DADvocate. Perhaps you should offer your services to to readers digest. Your answer is a WHOLE lot better.
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