Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Hugs Just Won't Do It
JW Wells left this link to an article on females who murdered their children. The article begins:
Hopefully, we all remember Charles C. Roberts IV who slaughtered several Amish school girls last week. Do you remember Tiffany Hall? She murdered a pregnant woman and her three kids and cut the fetus out of the woman. Later she claimed the fetus was her own still born child. Women certainly have shown the ability to commit as horrendous crimes as men.
As a female friend of Frances Elaine Campione put it, this after Ms. Campione was charged on Wednesday with murder in the death of her two young children, "That mother needs a hug."The article also delves into another murder case.
In that line, widely repeated in Toronto and national media outlets, is a telling clue to what is so wrong with much of what happens both in the nation's family courts and in its child-protection system -- the pervasive view of the female of the species as constantly nurturing (except, you know, when she allegedly kills) and as in need of constant nurture (hugs all 'round, no matter what).
...Zachary Andrew Turner, who was 13 months old when his mommy dearest, one Shirley Turner, drugged him, tied him to her chest and jumped into the Atlantic Ocean, where they both drowned.Violent women are frequently treated much different than violent men.
Dr. Turner was no ordinary mother. A dual citizen of Canada and the United States, she was a medical doctor, cute and tiny and clever, and she was also facing a murder charge in the States, where she was accused of shooting to death her former boyfriend and Zachary's father, a young man of 28 named Andrew David Bagby, also a doctor, who had just ended their relationship.
Hopefully, we all remember Charles C. Roberts IV who slaughtered several Amish school girls last week. Do you remember Tiffany Hall? She murdered a pregnant woman and her three kids and cut the fetus out of the woman. Later she claimed the fetus was her own still born child. Women certainly have shown the ability to commit as horrendous crimes as men.
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