Monday, October 02, 2006


Foley Thoughts

I feel obligated to say something about the Rep. Foley story.
Obviously, to normal people, intimate friendships, perhaps sexual relationships, etc. with under age boys and/or girls is totally unacceptable behavior, especially for elected Federal officials.

Unfortunately, it's not like this hasn't happened before. In 1983, Rep. Gerry Studds, D-Mass., admitted to sexual relations with a 17-year-old male page. I guess those Massachusetts liberals aren't bothered by this sort of thing. Studds continued to be re-elected until he retired in 1996.

The conservative, Rep. Dan Crane, R-Ill., caught up in scandal at the same time for having sexual relations with a female page lost his bid for re-election. Apparently conservative voters care about such things.

I suspect these things are much more prevalent than we realize. Gary Condit comes to mind along with Bill and Monica. Sure, they were of legal age but just how ethical were their actions? Would you want your son or daughter being subject to sexual predation?

Once again, the aspect that strikes me the hardest is the different rules for us and them. Congresspersons and Senators continue to show greater disdain for the American citizen. They, Republican and Democrat, are the privileged ruling class and effectively answer to no one. While they vote themselves raises and extend the breadth of their power, we struggle to make ends meet. I just wish some how we could replace the whole lot of them at once.

The timing of the revelation. The ignored warnings. The only argument seems to be who it was meant to give an advantage. Are Republicans trying to distract attention away from Iraq and other issues? Are liberals hoping to use the event to harm the Republican Party nationwide. So far, no elected officials which I can vote for are involved.

Michelle Malkin has an excellent post regarding Foley and other sex scandals.

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