Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Scientist Says Global Warming Not Caused by Humans

Bill Gray, professor at Colorado State University, says global warming is not caused by humans.
Gray, who is a professor at Colorado State University, said human-induced global warming is a fear perpetuated by the media and scientists who are trying to get federal grants.

“I think we’re coming out of the little ice age, and warming is due to changes to ocean circulation patterns due to salinity variations,” Gray said. “I’m sure that’s it.”


At the breakfast, Gray said Earth was warmer in some medieval periods than it is today. Current weather models are good at predicting weather as far as 10 days in advance, but predicting up to 100 years into the future is “a great act of faith, and I don’t believe any of it,” he said.


But Pielke said it makes sense to reduce humans’ impact on the climate.

“There are uncertainties. It’s not like you change your light bulbs today, you’re going to have better weather tomorrow,” he said. “It’s even better if those actions you’re taking make sense for other reasons, like getting off Middle Eastern oil or saving money.”
Obviously (I hope), it makes sense to pollute as little as possible. No matter what the climate does, keeping the world clean has clear benefits, such as being able to eat the fish you catch in the nearest river.

It's far more likely that the cause of the Earth's warming is an increase in solar activity, as indicated by the number of sunspots that we see in each solar cycle. Look at the synchonicity of the medieval "mini ice age" and the "Maunder minimum" in the sunspot cycle; lots of sunspots equals warmer weather, while few sunspots corresponded with generally cooler weather.
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