Saturday, August 26, 2006


Polar Bear Genitals and "Meow" Abuse

From CNN, Study: Polar Bear Genitals Are Shrinking.
The polar ice cap may not be the only thing shrinking in the Arctic.

The genitals of polar bears in eastern Greenland are apparently dwindling in size due to industrial pollutants, a new study finds.
"Apparently" industrial pollutants are the cause. I see two other potential causes. Polar bears live in a land of snow, ice and frigid water. That certainly shrinks my genitals. Secondly, The emasculating effects of feminism has reached the Arctic Circle.

Meow Abuse

Super Troopers showed us how funny "Meow" can be. But in Pennsylvania a boy has been charged for meowing at the neighbor lady.
JEANNETTE, Pa. -- Meow. A Pennsylvania judge is being asked to decide whether that word is a harmless taunt or grounds for misdemeanor harassment.

Police have charged a 14-year-old boy with that crime. Michael Loughner is accused of meowing whenever he sees his 78-year-old neighbor, Alexandria Carasia.

The boy's family got rid of their cat after Carasia complained that it was using her flower garden as a litter box. Now, she said, the boy makes meowing sounds every time he sees her.
Reportedly, after the hearing, Ms. Carasia rode her broom home.

Reminds me of that book of cartoons a few years ago "100 Uses For a Dead Human", with a coffin heaped with earth and a cat skipping up into it for the obvious purpose.
Woody - LOL
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