Sunday, April 30, 2006


It's Not About Immigrants,
It's About Illegal Immigrants

Tomorrow, Monday, May 1 illegal immigrants plan to stage marches and protests (over what?). It is a country's sovereign right to determine who enters and who doesn't. The United States is probably the only country in the world that doesn't at least attempt to adequately protect its borders. Mexico sure does. (Hat tip to A Blog for All and Russell Lindsey.

Legal immigrants have usually been a benefit to this country. Without legal immigrants you wouldn't have me. :-) The most recent immigrants in my family were my great grandparents who met on the boat on the way over from Germany. They came to America to be Americans, not to re-write the national anthem, not to insist on amnesty, not to insist Americans speak their language, not to insist that America owed them something. They just wanted an opportunity and were willing to make the sacrifice and take the necessary chances needed to legally attain that opportunity.

My personal doctor is an immigrant, a legal immigrant, as are his wife, also a doctor, and kids. The father of two of my daughter's best friends is an immigrant from India. I have a friend who is a legal immigrant from Mexico. Immigrants aren't the problem, illegal immigration is, uncontrolled crossing of our borders is, a President and Congress that won't take the necessary action is.

If you think countries should have open borders try immigrating to Australia, New Zealand or Mexico by just walking in and saying they owe it to you to allow you to take up residence. You will find yourself rudely awakened.

On Monday, May 1, email or otherwise contact your Senators and Representative. Tell them to control our borders and serve the best interests of the people they are elected to represent, the citizens of the United States of America.

Contact your Senators:

Contact your Representative:

timaww - thanks for the comment. I read your post and it's not too smart-alecky.
exactly legal immigrants are the backbone of the country, the illegals by definition are illegal and undocumented, who knows how many of these people are criminals, escaping justice. i am currently STAYING (temprarily) om a high immigrant area, yesterday it as like a ghost town in some places. illegals should be deported, they dont pay taxes apart from purchases.if they want to come in legally then thats ok, many people have come in legally. like the doctors etc..

(i would add the UK, to your list, it has a immigration policy not as bad as australia..)
mercurior- I really appreciate your comments regarding the UK. It helps give perspective that I can't easily get from news sources.
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