Monday, March 27, 2006


I'm OK, He's F*$&#@d Up

Patrick Armstrong at hurricane_radio has an excellent post on a book, Its (Mostly) His Fault: For Women Who Are Fed Up and the Men Who Love Them, by Robert Alter. As Patrick says, this book is probably destined for the best seller list although no self-respecting man would buy it. The author seems to be worshipping at the altar of modern, superficial, feministic, pop psychology.

When I visit the bookstore, the self help, pop psychology section, which is generally ample, is frequently being visited by females but rarely by males. In the Gender Issues section, books regarding "gender issues" concerning men are few. Some bookstores have sections devoted strictly to Women's Issues but I've never seen a Men's Issues section. Maybe women just have more issues than men.

I searched the web trying to find out the ratio of male to female book buyers. I couldn't find anything substantial. Judging from the sections in the bookstores that cater entirely or mostly to women it seems women probably make up the larger portion of the book buying market. What better way to lure women into buying a book than to tell them, in the title, that all their problems are his fault, mostly.

Unfortunately, many, many books seem to take this tact. Indeed, our society in general seems to believe any misbehaver, crime, etc. committed by a woman is the fault of a man somewhere. Here the Rational Radical goes to great lengths to blame the husband. If a man drowned his five children, how many would be blaming his wife? Few, if any. He'd be labeled a violent, sadistic monster.

I'm curious how long it will take to blame the victim in the Rev. Winkler murder by his wife. On Paula Zahn earlier, a female defense attorney has already discussed the "abuse" defense. Neighbors say there was no sign of discord. But there's probably a pit in the basement or something. More rationalizations for women killing men are found everyday.

Gov. Brereton Jones of Kentucky and Gov. Celeste of Ohio and other governors, during the last days of their administrations, have released female murderers from prison because their victims were allegedly abusive men. In some cases this was true, but these women were convicted by a jury of their peers. If the circumstances were so extenuating, the juries could have refused to convict.

Until men stop causing all these problems and making the world such a horrible place, they can expect to be blamed for it and to be otherwise attacked, killed, or whatever. Guys, if you'd just learn how to maintain a relationship and quite messing everything up, it would all be OK.

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